Esteban asked me the other day if I'd seen any interesing Anime lately. I haven't written any anime Reviews lately cos I haven't seen anything worth mentioning...
but I DID discover an interesting website.
AniDB is a website (in English) where you can keep a list of 'Your' Anime. The one's you own or have watched, and rate them.... when you rate more than 30 you can ask for an 'Anime Hint' and you'll be given a list of anime you haven't watched/own based on your ratings... VERY interesting!
I link my votes
All anime I remember having watched recently and not so recently is listed.
I'm sorry tu disapoint you Esteban, but I gave 'Samurai Champloo' a 9, cos what I most value is the Story... I like to be surprised, and SChamploo didn't. I won't argue if it deserves a 10, but votes are subjetive.
The names listed are the original ones, meaning 'Paranoia Agent' is 'Mousou Dairinin'. I've included Movies as well as series.
Of course, the website includes a list of total votes of all users, where, of course, 'Fullmetal Alchemist' is first... again, 3 websites and counting. If there's something I learned watching this series it's... don't judge a book by its cover, only its votes!
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