Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chorrada: XP Login Wallpaper trick

A WindowsXP trick, tweak, tip, or whatever it's called. I dedicate it to Esteban:

If you DON'T use XP's welcome screen but the usual login screen, the one you HAVE to use if you're in a domain, which is usually the case at work.

Well, in that case you can put a wallpaper on that boring screen. But, the image must be .BMP file.

You just need to edit the registry, at:

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop

the "Wallpaper" value will be waiting for you (it's blank by default) to insert... c:\whateveryouwant.bmp

nb: If the path is "long" you'll have to include it between double quotation marks "" (or whatever they're called):

"c:\program files\what the heck is an image doing here.bmp"

And yes Esteban. It's easier in Linux with either gnome's or kde's 'login' whatever they're called. :p